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Travel reviews by Mrs Guineafowl from UK

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A very special holiday

Tanzania and 1 other country between 8 Oct 2007 and 23 Oct 2007

Trip rating: Excellent
"Marvellous - a trip of a lifetime.

Suggestions to help you improve : None at all - thank you."

Arranged By Claire Scott

Mwagusi Safari Camp

Mwagusi Safari Camp

"a wonderful experience"

4 nights Arrived 9 Oct 2007
"Our familytrip to Mwagusi was brilliant. We loved the bandas, theway they were built so cleverly using local materials and that everyone helped to build them. Our host, Chris Fox, and his team, looked after us extremely well.

We felt we were living right among the animals - quite a worry the first night with lions prowling round and then we got blase when the elephant came right up to our front door at 3 pm - so no siesta that afternoon - we were too busy watching him.

I don't think we ever thought we would be quite so close to a wild animal ever. None of us will forget the sound of the lions roaring at night. Our guides, Tom and Danny, were very informative and brilliant spotters. They gave us so much time with drives lasting up to five hours.

The evening meals were magic - different venus every night and lanterns everywhere - a real treat for us English to eat out let alone in such romantic places."
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

Beho Beho

Beho Beho

"Paradise at Beho Beho"

3 nights Arrived 13 Oct 2007
"Flying in to the private airport was a wonderful way to begin - the welcome we got from Tamlyn was gorgeous. We felt at home immediately. She made us feel as though we were the first visitors that year! Our individual rooms were a wow factor - we all swooned over the extreme comfort and coolness of them and could have spent a lot moire time in them very easily.

However, we were there to see the animals as well as indulging ourselves. We loved the house party atmosphere and having dinner in so many different places was a real treat. The food was excellent and the service was superb - we left feeling like royalty.

The game drives were interesting - we had to really look for animals - Onno certainly found the ones that were there for us - we had a ball with him - so thank you Onno for a very amusing few days. In particular, we loved the dry river drive where we saw the bee-eaters catching all the swallowtails and other insects and diving into their little holes in the riverbank. The Tagalala Lake day was extremely enjoyable - we'll never have such a surprise breakfast again, I'm sure.

The highlight of our Beho Beho visit were the two walks we did with Sacha and Sean. The walk with Sean on our last evening when we walked with the elephants and a hippo was breathtaking. I think it is a great shame that walking was not "pushed" more - perhaps from you in London. Walks there did not seem to be as hot as expected - at Mwagusi it was really hot and our ranger was not nearly so informative - so we had been slightly put off walking there! Walking with Sacha and Sean was a wonderful experience and we really regret that we did not do more at Beho Beho."
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

Azura at Quilalea

Azura at Quilalea

"Magical Quilalea"

7 nights Arrived 16 Oct 2007
"We had a gorgeous time arriving by boat across that turquiose sea! About 5 staff met us on the beach - Inez then took us on a guide of the resort. To be honest, we were quite exhausted by the time we arrived and would have loved to have flopped with a cold drink for an hour and then to have had the guide. However, we were thrilled with all we saw and adored our rooms.

We thought Janine was quite the most professional diving guide - Juliet did her first dive with her and was so impressed. The rest of the young loved all the dives and snorkelling. We were led to believe by the list of boats sent to me that there would be waterskiing - I misunderstood the description of skiboat - a great shame but understandable considering the currents there.

I also expected the fishing to be better - a leaflet I was sent talked about the wonderful flyfishing off the beach at Quilalea - that was a particular disappointment as the plan for the last week of the holiday was to be really active - particularly for the boys in the party who were mad keen flyfishermen. Also, the deepsea fishing boat was out of order - they might have resorted to that even if the boat had been working. Nathan did his best on our last afternoon - thank you Nathan - to get the boys into a fish - but no luck.

Other activities were great - kayaking in the mangroves, the trip to Ibo, snorkelling etc. etc.

Inez was a very caring and helpful person. Laundry was pretty non-existant - especially as we had arrived from safari with many dirty clothes - we had to chase them up a bit. The staff in the diningroom were gorgeous - again, we loved eating out under the stars - all lots of work for the staff but much appreciated.

Our general impression of Quilalea is gorgeous. We all had a wonderful time and left it with very heavy hearts."
Experience Report
Overall Rating:


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