Travel reviews by Ms J from London
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My June trip to Nambia
Namibia between 5 Jun 2018 and 10 Jun 2018
The main criticism is that the directions and travel times from Expert Africa were inaccurate. The travel to Bagatelle from the airport was around 4-5 hours. We had no indication of how long from Bagatelle to Hoodia but that was a good five hours and would be more for someone not experienced on driving on gravel roads (luckily my companion was). And we had no detailed directions on travel from Hoodia to Gocheganas just a highlighted area on the map indicating a road which the lodge told us was not good, As it was we took the C road over the mountains and I would have taken a lot longer than the 5 hours it took to get from Hoodia to Gocheganas.
We had upgraded the car anyway but I think if I had not had an experienced dirt road driver with me I would have wanted more traction and a tougher vehicle."
Feedback response
Following these comments we have reviewed and amended the driving directions we provide our travellers with for these camps and lodges. The road conditions are constantly changing and we try to review this information on an ongoing basis, as such we really appreciate this kind of honest feedback.
Arranged By Tom Morris

Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch
"Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch is beautiful"

Hoodia Desert Lodge
"Hoodia Desert Lodge is lovely"
The only downside was lack of engagement from staff on our externally organised balloon safari. If I hadn't asked where I needed to be by when I wouldn't have known and was expecting to be picked up but we had to drive ourselves very early in the morning in the dark - so unsure of when we would get there. In the end it all worked but they could have been more forthcoming."

Many sightings

Ballooning in the Namib Desert
"Wonderful Ballooning in the Namib desert"
7 Jun 2018 • Morning excursion
As mentioned on previous comments not enough prior information was given on this and given the state of the road and the fact that we had to get there in the dark it would have been good to have been picked up.
The trip itself was great - beautiful sunrise, landscape etc and good breakfast after

Hoodia Sossusvlei excursion
"Excellent Sossusvlei excursion"
8 Jun 2018 • All-day excursion
Knowledgeable guide (Lukas) and great day.

"Gocheganas is truly lovely"
We had a very short stay - from about 3pm to about 10am. The accommodation was great, the location was great, the spa was lovely as was the pool. Food fine.
All good and would go back for longer."
Only downside with a dune cabin is that you have to climb a red sand dune to get to and fro so are constantly picking up sand..."