Travel reviews by Mr A & Mrs M from UK
Review Distribution
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My Jun 2015 trip
Namibia between 8 Jun 2015 and 24 Jun 2015
I drove 1,200 miles and took over I,000 photographs loved every minute."
Arranged By Sabina Hekandjo

Elegant Guesthouse
"Elegant Guesthouse review, 1 night"

Hadassa Guest House (Not currently featured by Expert Africa)
"Excellent Owner Run Guesthouse"
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Okaukuejo Camp
"Good value at Okaukuejo"

Halali Camp
"Halali Camp review"

Onguma Bush Camp
"Superb Onguma"
The staff are lovely and friendly and most helpful. They appreciated the presents of Manchester United Football Shirts."

Frans Indongo Lodge
"Enjoyed our return to Frans IndongoExcellent"
My May 2009 trip
Namibia between 29 May 2009 and 18 Jun 2009
that these were actually recordings played for our benefit)!!
The directions for Frans Indongo on your map were not correct, the D2804 is really a 4wd road. the correct route would be to carry on the
B1 road to the D2433, the lodge manager confirmed this. Not a compaint just a point of interest."
Feedback response
We are sorry that our suggested routing to Frans Indongo proved to be less than perfect for these travellers. When we last drove along that road it was fine for 2WD vehicles. It has obviously deteriorated since then so we will make sure to only use it if our travellers have a 4WD vehicle. This is why we find travellers feedback so helpful to us!
Arranged By Tracy Lederer

Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch
"Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch review"
we did not see any Bat-eared foxes."

Amani Lodge, Namibia (this camp has since closed)
"The best organised of all the Lodges"
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Okonjima Plains Camp
"Super new VIEW ROOMS"
The food is good, staff are excellent. My big complaint would be the game drives, very disappointing and the Wild Dogs were in a very small
enclosure of which I am sure Expert Africa would not approve of."
As a bit of background information, these wild dogs were rescued and hand-raised. Although AfriCat desperately tried to keep them from the public, a BBC programme introduced them to viewers and due to popular demand AfriCat were pressurized to allow our guests the opportunity to see these special and famous orphans. The AfriCat Foundation aims to rehabilitate and return to the wild all of their rescued predators, and time is now right for this to happens for the wild dogs.

Hobatere Lodge
"Enigma Lodge"
were probably designed by Basil Fawlty or Mr.Bean. A huge branch of a tree is positioned on the bed head at the exact position to render one
unconscious should one sit up quickly.
The Tree House looks as though it was constucted by a troop of baboons, during our stay a couple who had booked the "Tree House"
refused point blank to stay there.
A coach party arrived on our last day, and this did not improve matters.
The highlight of Hobatere was the waterhole, superb photo opportunities, Elephant, Oryx, Kudu, Hartmann,s Mountain Zebra and many more,
We are aware that the Tree House at Hobatere is very, very basic and consequently only offer this to the ‘right’ people. We fear that the people who were supposed to stay there when these travellers were at the main lodge, had not been briefed fully on its ‘rusticness’ by their agent.

Okaukuejo Camp
"Okaukuejo Camp review"
One complaint, this year our first visit to the restaurant was also our last the food was uneatable we tried the snack bar which was just as bad.
The cooking in both cases was to blame not the ingredients, I did complain to the management when leaving."

Halali Camp
"Halali Camp review"

Onguma Bush Camp
"Onguma Bush Camp review"

Frans Indongo Lodge
"Frans Indongo Lodge review"
Self Drive Photo Safari
Namibia between 11 Jun 2008 and 25 Jun 2008
Thanks Expert Africa."
Arranged By Sabina Hekandjo

O/A (Not currently featured by Expert Africa)
"Wildlife Photo Safari self drive"
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Okonjima Plains Camp
"Okonjima Main Camp review"
The special photography trip to see Wahoo was excellent."

Desert Rhino Camp
"Desert Rhino Camp review"
We saw a pride of eight lions, and four black Rhinos."

Okaukuejo Camp
"Okaukuejo Restcamp review"
We saw 48 elephants drinking at one time, and later the same day 3 black rhinos and 3 white rhinos together."

Halali Camp
"Halali Restcamp review"
The best waterhole outside the camp was probably Rietfontein."

Frans Indongo Lodge
"Frans Indongo Lodge review"
The food and the chalet were the highest quality of the whole trip. Finding the white rhino on the drive was a bonus."