Travel reviews by Mr & Mrs S from Leicester
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My May 2009 trip
Namibia between 22 May 2009 and 11 Jun 2009
With a trip such as this there were 'highlights' just about everyday (which itself tells it's own story) but, that said there was, of course, still a personal 'pecking order' which for us would be this: spending 3 nights/2 full days with Bruno Nebe at Mundulea was, quite simply, a dellight and a real priviledge and was, by a long way, the best highlight for us.
Next would be Zebra River Lodge which was so relaxing and where the welcome and hospitality from our (stand-in hosts) Merle and Thom oozed genuinenss and care (something we found rather llacking at most of the 'up-market' lodges where it felt like everything was done to a standard format of 'one size fits all' mentality rather than looking at the requirements of the individual guest.
Joint 3rd would be our day spent with Allie and the trackers at Desert Rhino Camp and with Wayne, Alexandra and Heidi on the Sandwich Harbour trip. Finally our very sincere thanks to Maruska who organised every part of our trip from start to finish with both professionalism and great proficiency and, at at all times a really friendly disposition - even in the face of my multiple e-mail enquiries and on the occasion when I answered her call on my mobille with a greeting of "Hi babes!" (mistakenly thinking it was my wife Joy calling!!). She was even kind enough to say that it made her day!
On that note thanks once again to Maruska, Chris and all the staff at Expert Africa for masterminding such a wonderful holiday. We are now saving our pennies so that hopefully we can undertake another big trip in the not too distant future"
Arranged By Maruska AdyeRowe

Zebra River Lodge
"Zebra River Lodge review"

Sossus Dune Lodge
"Sossus Dune Lodge review"
On arrival we were greeted not once, but three times! First by someone with a posh tray with two damp face-cloths, rapidly followed by someone-else with two small soft drinks followed by a third person with a tray with two glasses of sherry which hardly seemed appropriate after a 4/5 hour drive from our last stop.
We were then 'checked-in' by Engelbert (one of the managers) who wasted no time in trying to sell us their N$500 sunrise trip to the Sossusvlei dunes which we always intended to do under our own steam. We did do the sunrise ballooning trip on our final morning which was a marvellous experience although it didn't quite have the 'wow factor' that I 'd anticipated. The breakfast on landing was a super experience being in such beautiful and remote surroundings (although the 'champagne' was, in fact, sparkling wine) which, with the trip costing about ÂŁ300 person seemed a tad naughty."

Sam's Giardino
"Sam's Giardino review"
Day trip to coast south of Swakopmund - This was a really memorable trip for a number of reasons. Firstly, our guide Wayne was extremely knowledgeable and had a passion and enthusiasm about the environment that was infectious and provided a real insight into the many environmental and other issues affecting not just this fragile dune environment but also wider issues facing Namibia as a whole . Our enjoyment of he trip was further enhanced by tthe company of Alexanra Fuller, a novelist/writer who was undertaking research for an article she it write for National Geographic magazine and Heidi (didn't catch her surname) who worked for one of the Namibian Government Environmental Protection agencies so we were the beneficiaries of some extremely well informed discussion on a whole range of issues, all of which was punctuated and lightened by a stream of amusing anecdotes from Alexandra from her child-hood days in Zambia and Africa!
Research of previous reader's reviews for the trip had led us to anticipate an excellent lunch and we most certainly weren't disappointed. Home-made lasagne, pate, salad and garlic bread followed by apple pie were consumed in a sheltered spot in the dunes (it was a very windy day). Yummee! Last ,but not least was, the rugged beauty of the dune system and coastline and fragile ecosystems of Sandwich Bay and the splendid panoramic views we had once we had climbed to the top of the dunes above Sandwich Harbour. I would thoroughly recommend this trip (which is organised byBruno Nebe's company Turnstone Tours) and would like to do it again if get to return to Namibia.
Kayaking Walvis Bay Lagoon - We had originally wanted to do the longer (all morning) trip but, because of a shortage of time because of long drive up to Doro Nawas meant that we onld had time for 2 hour trip. Neverthess, this was very pleasant and relaxing experience with our guide Francois who we found easy to chat to about various issues Namibian. Unfortunately, we couldn't get as close to the flamingoes as we would have liked but, all in all, atrip to be recommended."

Ballooning in the Namib Desert
"Ballooning in the Namib Desert"
28 May 2009 • Morning excursion

Coast and Sandwich Harbour
"Coast and Sandwich Harbour"
29 May 2009 • All-day excursion

Doro Nawas
"Doro Nawas review"

Kayaking with seals
"Kayaking with seals"
30 May 2009 • Morning excursion

Desert Rhino Camp
"Desert Rhino Camp review"
The camp itself was wonderful in all respects and its utter remoteness only served to emphasise its beauty and tranquility. On our only full day there we were the only guests so we had Ally and three trackers all to ourselves! However, try as hard as they most certailny did (and we were out from 6.30a.m. to 5.30p.m. with light fading fast) not a rhino was to be found. It mattered little though since we saw lots of other game, zebra, ostrich, vultures, eagles, a chameleon and the largest herd of springbok we saw on the whole of our trip (250-300 we'd estimate).
We also had a lovely lunch in the shade of a large acacia tree accompanied by a cool beer. Magical! Also worth mentioning that the staff here (all black Namibians during our stop) seemed to make much more genuine effort to engage with us than at some of the other 'up-market' lodges. Our schedule involved rather a lot of driving so we only had an evening and the one full day and we would recommend having at least two full days 'cos it would have been nice to do some guided walks as well as the rhino-tracking drives."

Okaukuejo Camp
"Okaukuejo Camp review"
BBQing was a nice change after being fully catered for elsewhere. However, Okaukuejo does have a serious problem with jackals roaming the site scavenging for food. They are certainly not timid and one even jumped up onto our BBQ while it was alight. We felt it was potentially an accident waiting to happen insofar as the possibility of someone (particulary a child) being bitten. The floodlit waterholei s obviously brilliant for viewing game although it does have a somewhat unnatural unreal feel to it with such a large human audience but, on balance, still a definite plus point."

Halali Camp
"Halali Camp review"

Mundulea Reserve
"The 'Jewel in the Crown' of our Namibian trip"
The newly built camp has a wonderfully rustic charm in complete harmony with its beautiful surroundings and lacked for nothing in necessary facilities. Particulary impressive was the environmentally sustainable showers whiich Bruno had constructed using former gas cylinders which enabled the shower water to be heated by burning wood 'harvested' from scrub clearance. Just one more example of Bruno's many skills.
We were particularly fortunate that we were the sole guests at the camp during our stay so had lot of quality time to discuss a whole range of subjects with Bruno. The two walks we did were full of fascinating insights into so many different elements of the behaviour of game in a natural setting and was a massive contrast from Etosha where the game have become immune to the presence of humans. Relatively close encounters with kudu, a family of warthogs and wild cattle were electrifying.
Breakfast and evening meals were a delight with excellent and interesting meals cooked by Bruno over a wood fire. Sundowners with our host at a hide overlooking a waterhole were also a delight. Our only regret was that our stay had to come to an end but, hopefully we will get to return one day."

Ondudu Safari Lodge
"Erongo Wilderness Lodge review"
Because of our shortage of time we weren't able to do any of the guided or self-guided walks which we would have liked to do and which were included in the cost of our stay. We would certainly recommend this Lodge to others especially if you enjoy self-guided walks and would suggest 3 nights would not be too long if it fitted one's schedule."
The Namibian staff were all very friendly and we enjoyed having the opportunity to chat to them often at meal times. The food was excellent and we enjoyed our communal meals and chatting with the other guests but were also able to have 'own-time' together usually accompanied by a bottle of excellent South African wine!
Overall, this was our second favourite stop (only bettered by the jewel in the crown of our trip which was the unsurpassable Mundulea and Bruno Nebe). We would definitely like to return here in the future and would probably stop for at least 3 full days to facilitate doing more walks including including a guided one with Justus."