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Zambia is well known for excellent guiding and top-class walking safaris.

...while some bushcamps in the South Luangwa exclusively offer walking safaris.

There's always plenty of time in between activities to relax with a drink...

...and watch the local wildlife!

From the smaller animals... the biggest - there's a huge amount of game to be viewed in the different parks. can find more luxurious lodges here as well...

...and every camp goes the extra mile to provide special touches to your safari.


Zambia: reviews from our travellers

Unedited reviews written by our most recent Zambia travellers

Showing 1271-1280 of 1340
Arrival date
The rock Pipits

"amazing Africa !"

I visited Botswana and 3 other countries between 25 Apr 2008 and 11 May 2008
"We were 2 to travel and we have both been very impressed with the service we got . Evrything was very well organised . We visited 4 countries , took a lot of flights and there was always someone waiting for us . We never waited.

We had a lot of requirement when we first contacted Expert Africa and it was dealt with very quickly and effectively.

Great job Maruska and to all your contats outhere in Namibia , Botswana, Zambia and Mozambique
we ll definitly use you again for our next time in Africa and will recommand you ( which we have already done )
thanks again for everything and well done :-)" Read full review: 16 nights in Africa; 3 on a Botswana safari
Overall trip
The Louries

"Bravo Zulu -Naval signal code for Well Done"

I visited Zambia and 1 other country between 22 Apr 2008 and 30 Apr 2008
"All admin arrngements worked extremely well and we were met and warmly greeted at every stage.

The speedy trip across the Zambezi was much appreciated as the delay for the lorries wating for the one serviceable routine ferry was more than 1 week!

Many thanks to Lucy for valuable suggestions and recommendations.

Suggestions for improvement:

I beleive that Expert Africa has thought of everything necessary and any comment from me is superfluous!" Read full review: 8 nights in Africa; 3 on a Zambia safari
Overall trip
Appley Bridge

"Fantastic and memorable Namibia !"

I visited Namibia and 1 other country between 16 Apr 2008 and 10 May 2008
"A truly memorable trip, everything we could have wanted - the lodges, the activities, the food, the sights ! Hire car was trouble-free, and all the roads were in excellent condition despite recent exceptional rainy season.

The Mainliner bus from Livingstone to Windhoek was a convenient link from the Falls, and is recommended for adventurous travellers, but not for those who demand to travel 5-star ! The staff were helpful and very pleasant.....but it was a LONG way - 22 hours altogether.

The advice and guidance from Expert Africa staff, especially Gwynneth and Chris, went a long way in ensuring a successful trip. So many wonderful highlights, it would be invidious to name one above others.

We just wish all travel opeators could be as efficeint, obliging, knowledgable and 'common sense' as Expert Africa ! This is our second trip with you, and we have already recommended you to other potential travellers." Read full review: 24 nights in Africa; 12 on a Namibia trip
Overall trip
The Firefinches

"Zambia safari"

I visited Zambia between 21 Mar 2008 and 1 Apr 2008
"We had a wonderful time. The weather was perfect, everything worked in a spledid fashion and the experience was magnificent.

Suggestions for improvement:

Not really - we were impressed.

We met a couple who had been with you before, which is why they were travelling with your company again. That must be the best recommendation: repeat business from satisfied customers. I am sure when we can afford it we will be contacting Expert Africa again.

Thanks Anna for all your help, and sorry we did not have time to have a longer chat in the bar at Kapani." Read full review: 11 nights in Africa; 10 on a Zambia safari
Overall trip
Wild dogs

"Zambia Green Season Review"

I visited Zambia between 21 Mar 2008 and 3 Apr 2008
"Having been on a few safaris now we knew roughly what to expect, but Zambia was definitely a surprise hit.

The country, accomodation, wilderness and game viewing was excellent. The South Luangwa NP is good even in off season although on Easter holiday week with limited access some areas of the drives felt busy. It is so nice to see the park when it looks so pretty and the animals so healthy. We were continuously unlucky in missing wild dogs on 3 separate occassions but that is part of the addiction of safaris and why you always go on another one.

Expert Africa advised well and their outstanding level of knowledge of the area really helped to tailor a very good itinerary. Thanks." Read full review: 13 nights in Africa; 11 on a Zambia safari
Overall trip
The Hammerkops

"Expert A keep us happy"

I visited Zambia and 1 other country between 12 Mar 2008 and 25 Mar 2008
"Another excellent holiday with Expert Africa. This was our 4th trip to southern Africa with Sunvil/Expert Africa since 1998 and it will not be our last. You get what it says on the box without any flannel; organisation is good and any querries are answered straightforwardly. All we have to do is get on the plane at this end.

Zambia is an excellent destination & the Luangwa Valley with it's expert guiding is superb in all seasons.

We and especially Sue think Norman Carr Safaris are a really excellent crew- it's a good operation and we hope it continues as such under it's 'new' investor ownership." Read full review: 13 nights in Africa; 8 on a Zambia safari
Overall trip
Mr & Mrs B
South Bank

"A truly wonderful holiday !"

I visited Botswana and 1 other country between 17 Feb 2008 and 2 Mar 2008
"This was our first visit to Victoria Falls and our first safari holiday in Africa and we enjoyed every moment ! A truly amazing holiday !

We were very happy with the whole experience and would certainly use Expert Africa again for future trips." Read full review: 14 nights in Africa; 12 on a Botswana safari
Overall trip
Mrs V

"1st trip with you and you delivered, thankyou"

I visited Zambia and 1 other country between 15 Feb 2008 and 1 Mar 2008
"We were the first of the season visitors at Mchenja with new camp managers, Richard and Susie. There were frought moments for them but they handled them well and we wish them every success.

Our flight and road transfers worked well and we should like to mention Geoff Chilongo who met us each time in Lusaka airport and smoothed our passage through.

Selinda provided two high spots, a cheetah stalk and kill and a group of 3 lionesses with 7 cubs. Lagoon provided the ultimate highlight of our trip with good sightings of a pack of wild dogs. Although the camp is beginning to look a little dated, this however is to its advantage in that it deters the spa safari clientele." Read full review: 15 nights in Africa; 8 on a Zambia safari
Overall trip
Mr & Mrs Lion

"A travel agency for the independent traveler"

I visited Namibia and 2 other countries between 15 Feb 2008 and 16 Mar 2008
"Our trip was extraordinary. Before the trip, friends asked us why we weren't content to visit zoos or somewhere like Animal Kingdom. Now I know it's worth the effort to visit Africa: the animals behave more normally in their wild native habitats than they do in captivity.

There were almost no glitches; it was difficult to come up with the extremely minor faults I've mentioned in the previous pages--I was trying not to be glib. [Ed: click onthe links below to access those 'previous pages']

We will return to Africa.

Here's an odd thing: everyone told us to visit Namibia for the scenery, not the wildlife-viewing. But we saw more wildlife in Etosha the 4 days we were there than we did the 8 days we spent in Botswana. The 2WD may have slowed us down enough to notice the animals; also we weren't rushing around trying to find lions, and were content to see whatever appeared.

For us, the more remote the better: I found myself being annoyed at Chitabe when I heard planes or helicopters.

We had thought someone was going to drive us from Muchenje in Botswana all the way to the Livingstone Airport. We were not looking forward to waiting in line for the ferry to cross the Zambezi. But as you know, there were a number of agents involved in getting us from the one place to the other. The transition progressed remarkably smoothly, and we enjoyed seeing a little of the everyday Africa one doesn't observe at safari camps.

That being said, the agent at Kazangula, Zambia was very kiind but he didn't seem to know that everyone has to pay a visa fee now. He behaved in a rushed manner, without explaining his intentions to us. I was locked in the van with our luggage then the agent took my husband to the customs office. Unfortunately, I hadn't told my husband about making sure our passports were stamped with the appropriate number of days, so they were stamped 7 rather than 8. When we left Lusaka to fly to London, we were scolded about this.

We couldn't cash travelers' checks at Livingstone Airport; we didn't have enough time to try at Lusaka; and at Mfuwe, the clerk wanted $20 to exchange $50. We had no luck at Kapani either.

FYI, Mr. Grellman at Etango Game Ranch mentioned that Windhoek plans to expand the airport across the road, more or less adjacent to his ranch.

I'm rambling.

I don't know what additional information would be helpful. We're used to setting our own schedules when we travel, and for that reason, we enjoyed having our own car and doing what we pleased when in Etosha. For 2 active people, it's difficult to spend 6+ hours in a jeep each day; and of course, during siesta, one usually can't walk around on one's own other than from the tent, to the dining hall, to the vehicle, back to the dining hall..... I suspect a walking safari is in our future. Also, we'd like to have our own vehicle, or have our own guide who wouldn't be bored sitting watching baboons or elephants for an hour. You can arrange all of this, can't you?

We had never used a travel agency before--for one thing, one of us is detail-oriented and enjoys the researching and planning of trips. But with the complexity of this trip and my slow-as-molasses dial-up laptop, I decided to try an agency. Chris McIntyre's guide books had impressed us not only because of all the truly helpful information, but also because of the lack of platitudes. To make a long story short, Expert Africa's services have been superb. The following remarks are nitpicking and I don't know if they'll be helpful or not.

I mentioned under the "Flights" section about the Zambian Airways vouchers. The Taj clerk also seemed confused about the voucher: she thought I was staying alone and she asked me how I was planning to pay for my night.

There are a few discrepancies between Mr. McIntyre's guidebooks and the Expert Africa website. For example, the books might state that a camp is only open seasonally, but the web site states otherwise.

Perhaps when an agent is going to be out of the office for an extended period, she might notify her current clients to contact so-and-so during her absence if they have questions.

Your turn -- rate us as clients.

Thanks for everything!" Read full review: 30 nights in Africa; 9 on a Namibia trip
Overall trip

"Main objectives achieved"

I visited Namibia and 1 other country between 28 Dec 2007 and 17 Jan 2008
"Enjoyed the holiday. Well organised. Etosha was outstanding. Victoria Falls was majestic. Apart from Terrace Bay hotels were good to very good. Apart from Sams Giardino the food was rarher ordinary with little choice in some cases.

On occasions the distances for driving were rather long and tedious. Surfaced roads wre good with little fraffic. Graveled roads varied from good where recently graded to awful with rather more of the latter than former. Return journey was a nightmare." Read full review: 20 nights in Africa; 14 on a Namibia trip
Overall trip
Showing 1271-1280 of 1340
1340 reviews of Zambia by travellers since August 2007
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