Travel reviews by Ms K from Alberta
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My May 2015 trip
Namibia and 2 other countries between 15 May 2015 and 15 Jun 2015
It was also a very nice itinerary, suited to our particular interests and preferences. We would have liked to be more active since we aren't used to spending so much time in vehicles, but recognize that the nature of the trip made this very difficult. Game drives made it possible to see much more, from a closer distance, with less hazard.
Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:
Overall, the trip was very well organized. We stayed in some spectacular places.
Having the customized map and letter really helped in terms of self-drive navigation. (Two small points: The location for Okonjima was too far north for the actual turn off. Also, there were a couple of inconsistencies between the letter and the actual itinerary that looked like they were 'left overs' from a previous version of the letter.)
In terms of the overall itinerary, the trip was very well organized. If we were to do it again, we would make very few changes. We might skip BullsPort (but then wouldn't have walked at all!). We could also have skipped Mushara Bush Camp, except that we did need somewhere to overnight in about that location. Maybe we could have stayed inside the park? We loved having a waterhole chalet in Etosha and that was really a highlight. Footsteps was an interesting experience and might have been more important to us if we hadn't spent the previous 4 days kayaking and walking in the delta with a different outfitter."
Arranged By Tracy Lederer

Olive Grove
"A peaceful oasis"

Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch
"Bagatelle Kalahari Game Ranch - Great views"
These rooms are suited only for good walkers since they required a fairly long walk through deep sand and up a small hill to get from the rooms to the main buildings."

BullsPort Lodge and Farm
"Bullsport Guest Farm review"
The highlight was a hike down the Quiver Tree gorge. It was the only place we could really hike in all of our travels. Other places had guided walks instead."

Kulala Desert Lodge
"Kulala Desert Lodge review"

Cornerstone Guesthouse
"Cornerstone Guesthouse review"
We were less enthused about Swakopmund, maybe because it was cold and foggy while we were there.
Pelican Point kayaking
This was an incredible experience. I have paddled with sea lion pups before, but never in these numbers. The water was boiling with all the pups swimming and jumping beside us. I had a wide grin for the entire 2 hours of paddling!"

Kayaking with seals
"Pelican Point Kayaking"
23 May 2015 • Morning excursion

Mowani Mountain Camp
"Mowani Mountain Camp review"
We really enjoyed the small water hole beside the main building which attracted birds and small animals. Also the sun-downer hill with a great view of the sunset over the nearby plain.
Our morning drive to find desert elephants was successful and we had ample opportunity to watch the herd. There was one elephant 'toddler' who was particularly fun to watch as he tried to race ahead."

Desert Rhino Camp
"Desert Rhino Camp review"
The staff was delightful. We were greeted with a song and there was more singing and dancing one night at dinner. It was also the site of the longest game drive - ever! So much enthusiasm and a small number of guests resulted in a delightful stay."

Ongava Tented Camp
"Ongava Tented Camp review"
We did two game drives and saw a huge number of animals, including a group of 7 rhinos and a pride of lions with cubs playing.
The night noises were also very intriguing."

Okaukuejo Camp
"Okaukuejo Camp review"
The food provided was not up to the high standard that we had experienced at the other lodges. They were serving many more people and the food was adequate but not exciting."

Mushara Bush Camp
"Mushara Bush Camp review"
On the other hand, the food was excellent. And we really needed a place to sleep in that location after a long day driving in Etosha.
There were also some great birds in the garden."
The Mushara Bush Camp was build in 2009 and I can say from my side that our maintenance and upkeep of infrastructure is of a very high standard. We are continuously busy with upkeep and maintenance. We are sorry that the handle of the tap came loose in these guests tent - unfortunately these things do sometimes happen and we get them fixed as soon as possible. The visible rust was done on purpose - to give our door handles and other metal works a different look, we let them rust and then they get a clear layer of varnish - we are in an environment where no metal will rust of natural cause - it is to dry where we are situated - the rust is not a cause of lack of maintenance, but rather a way to create a certain look.

Okonjima Plains Camp
"Okonjima Plains Camp review"
The rooms were huge and brand new. Very nice! In fact, we wondered whether donations to the cheetah rehabilitation program were being used to fund the new camp. They might get more donations to their foundations if they clarified the relationship.
We did two game drives and both times had the opportunity to get very close to the collared cats.
One note - the map provided gave the wrong location for the camp. If we hadn't had a GPS location as well, we would have been very worried about having missed the turn. It was much farther south than its mark on the map."

Olive Grove
"Olive Grove review"

Shinde Footsteps
"Footsteps Across the Delta review"
We really enjoyed waking up with an elephant munching close to our tent!
We were somewhat taken aback to discover that we were the only guests there, and that they usually only take one group at a time. It sometimes made it a bit awkward at meals, finding topics to discuss with the guide and manager who ate with us. It also made tipping a more major issue because we were the only people contributing to a fairly large staff. On the plus side, they could tailor things specifically for us and our tastes. And the staff and guides were excellent!"

Little Kwara (Not currently featured by Expert Africa)
"Little Kwara review"
We enjoyed the game drives here, and saw a lot of different animals. The focus of the staff was really on the wild cats and dogs, so if we hadn't already had lots of encounters with the other game, we would have missed stopping to look at more 'mundane' wildlife.
It was nice to have other guests to talk to, but the down side was that drives were shared with people with somewhat different interests. In our travels in Namibia, we were travelling with friends, so it was generally just the 4 of us on drives, which meant that the guides could tailor things to our interests."
Not currently featured by Expert Africa

Ilala Lodge
"Ilala Lodge review"
However, we were ready for some less structured time and activities, so the 'anonymity' of the Lodge suited us very well."