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Traveller reviews

Travel reviews by NH from Rickmansworth

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Kafue, end to end

Zambia between 8 Oct 2019 and 20 Oct 2019

Trip rating: Excellent
"I thoroughly enjoyed my trip. Everyday that I spend in the bush is a wonder and I loved every moment that I was in Kafue. I would not hesitate to recommend my trip: starting in Livingstone and finishing in Lusaka, or vice versa and travelling the length of the park. I would have liked to have stayed longer at each property, but that would have been greedy.

All four lodges offered something very special and I believe that Nanzhila Plains was equal to the other properties that I stayed at. I believe that it would be a worthwhile addition to your portfolio and especially if anyone wants to experience the full extent of the park.

Kafue did not disappoint, it is a true wilderness with an incredible variety of species that is so far removed from some of the artificial game parks. Every sighting is very special as the experience of being there.

I did suffer from Tsetse fly bites, more so in Ntemwa Busanga Camp and KaingU Lodge, but nothing disrupted my enjoyment.

To conclude my trip exceeded my expectation, I loved every moment, from the tours I arranged myself in Johannesburg to the exceptional arrangements that yo made for me. Thank you.

Suggestions to help us improve our trips or our service:

Please keep doing what you are doing. I will recommend you to anyone who will listen and I can not wait to travel with you again."

Arranged By Lucy Copson

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Nanzhila Plains (Not currently featured by Expert Africa)

"Nanzhila Plains - Great Safari"

3 nights Arrived 9 Oct 2019
"Nanzhila Plains is not a lodge usually offered by Expert Africa, however, I was delighted that it was included in my itinerary as it allowed me experience the South of Kafue. The journey by road from Livingstone was interesting and an enjoyable experience.

The hospitality is exceptional, with you hosts effectively welcoming you to their home. The standard of the food, the accommodation and of the services provided were exemplary. There was hot running water in the room provided by a donkey boiler, power and a great view of the watering hole.

The only drawback of Nanzhila Plains is that it is not located on the river or a significant water source, however the standard of the guiding was very high. The lodge was extremely accommodating and organised a full day in bush at short notice. The guide and tracker were so enthusiastic for the opportunity to spend a full day in the bush.

I enjoyed may wonderful sightings at Nanzhila Plains, spending considerable time with a pride of 11 lions including 6 cubs. We saw Sable and Roan antelope on a number on a number of occasions and the bird life was extremely pleasing. Many of my highlights were found at a particular watering hole.

The Landcruiser used was not the most comfortable and the sheer size of Nanzhila Plains means that for most of the time you will be the only vehicle in the concession. This is bot a bonus and a limiting factor. It can be an advantage because your sightings are unlikely to be disturbed, however, without another vehicle or vehicles in communication the concession is enormous.

I would highly recommend a stay at Nanzhila Plains, especially if you arrange a trip covering the length of Kafue National Park. It is also really beneficial that it can be reached from Livingstone by road arriving by lunchtime."
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

Musekese Camp

Musekese Camp

"Musekese Camp - Amazing"

2 nights Arrived 12 Oct 2019
"Musekese Camp has been described as Eden and it is impossible to disagree. The location on the edge of a dambo close to the Kafue river is nothing short of stunning and it probably offers a higher density of animals than the other lodges that I encountered in the Kafue.

I was fortunate to be guided by Gareth for all of my activities bar one and he continued to guide me when I moved on to my next location Ntemwa Busanga Camp which is also operated by Jeffery & McKeith Safaris. Gareth was an exceptional guide, whose knowledge and enthusiasm was limitless. I was also guided by one of the owners, Phil Jeffery, for a great drive.

The flexibility offered by Musekese Camp is fantastic, simply there is no compromise, you can go out on a game drive, a bush walk, or on to the river. The vehicles and boats are superb as are the tents which have bucket showers but power is limited to lighting. Cameras are charged at a central location, so take a spare battery or two and it's not an issue. The food and hosting are of an extremely high standard.

The wildlife in the dambo is spectacular with a resident pride of lion and a high likelihood of leopard sightings. In one incredible drive we found ourselves watching a leopard climb a tree with a pride of lions about 100 metres away. The animals were generally relaxed and there were some fantastic photographic opportunities with the leopard in the tree gangling as on a leopard can. The lions were very photogenic and it was interesting to spend time with 'tripod' seeing how he has adapted to his injury.

The availability of water in the dambo ensures that there are plenty of birds, antelope and elephants present which in turn attracts the predators. Lions calling in the dambo at night close to the camp is an overriding memory.

The opportunity to explore the banks of the Kafue river should not be missed. I was fortunate to many wonderful bird species including fin-foots, kingfishers, daters, etc and crocodiles, hippos and elephants. Sunset over the river is very special.

Musekese Camp is very special and very popular. The conservation work that they undertake is really important and I encourage an guest to engage any of the team about the topic when they stay there. The passion is boundless. I would not hesitate to recommend Musekese Camp to anyone wishing to experience Kafue."
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

Ntemwa Busanga Camp

Ntemwa Busanga Camp

"Ntemwa Busanga Camp - Great Safari"

3 nights Arrived 14 Oct 2019
"Ntemwa Busanga Camp is operated by Jeffery & McKeith Safaris, the operator of Musekese Camp. The lodge is in tented accommodation on the edge of the Busanga Plain. You are greeted by the breathtaking vista of the plain opening up in front of you when you arrive in the lodge.

My guide Gareth travelled with me from Musekese Camp and was exceptional. His knowledge and enthusiasm were boundless and he was also great company. Ntemwa Busanga Camp is more basic than Musekese, however, it is not detrimental. There is power in the bar area to charge batteries and bucket showers and lighting in the tents. The food was of a very good standard and the hospitality excellent.

The full day activity was the highlight as it provided the opportunity to venture far on to the plains where we encountered large herds of antelope including Sable, Roan, Puku and Red Lechwe. The bird life at the water holes was incredible and a particular highlight was spending time with a Secretary Bird. It was incredible to watch a herd of elephants cross the plain.

The Tsetse flies were aggressive around the edge of the woodland, but non-existent on the plain.

The Hippo pool was an exceptional experience and I was thrilled by the photographs that I was able to take. I was an incredible experience to be on foot so close to these amazing animals.

I would not hesitate to recommend a visit to Ntemwa Busanga Camp and I would suggest that it is included with a stay at Musekese camp."
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

KaingU Lodge

KaingU Lodge

"KaingU Lodge - Exceptional Experience"

3 nights Arrived 17 Oct 2019
"KaingU lodge is located on the banks of the Kafue river in the Game Management Area, however, it is a short boat ride to the park and the vehicles. The location on the banks of the river is stunning and it is not to the detriment of the lodge to in the GMA.

My guide, John D, was extraordinary. He has a knowledge that is second to none and appears to have an instinct for finding things. John was able to traverse the park off road moving from one pride of lions to another, finding 12 different lions at 3 different sightings in one morning. An afternoon on the river with John was another great experience where we were able to find and photograph many incredible species including Fin-foot.

Gil was kind enough to take me out at night to help me take photographs of the Milky-way. It was an incredible experience standing on an island in the middle of the Kafue river in the pitch black taking sensational photographs of the stars thanks to Gils's teaching and great company.

I found that the Tsetse flies were keen to bite me at KaingU, however, this was offset by sheer enjoyment of every moment. The lodge was exceptional as was the food and hosting. One incredible dinner was taken in the bush besides the rapids. The rooms have hot water and lighting and charging is available at a central location.

I thoroughly enjoyed KaingU and I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone, amazing! Lusaka is also accessible by road."
Experience Report
Overall Rating:


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