Reviews of Ichingo Chobe Lodge
Wildlife sightings and reviews
24 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Ichingo Chobe Lodge and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa

25% success

25% success

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100% success

80% success

67% success

67% success

33% success

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0% success
"Ichingo Chobe River Lodge was magical"
Our guide, Raphael, was so accommodating, knowledgeable, easy to be with and skilled. each outing was a total pleasure and we learned so much, even though we had done a water safari before in Selous, Tanzania.
We especially enjoyed the walk that we asked to do with him across the island to see the Zambezi river (which might not be for everyone but suited us perfectly.) we passed by the health clinic, the school (which was closed) and a village. It took about 45 minutes each way.
Food was delicious and lovely and they were adept at catering to vegetarian needs.
The accommodations were not fancy but quite comfortable, the bed was wonderful and there was plentiful hot water and a large bathroom. We appreciated the provision of mosquito spray in the room.
It was fascinating to have the experience of a private boat and guide at Ichingo compared with the group water safari experience we had later at Muchenje Lodge in Botswana. Each was fascinating in its own way and well run." See all these reviews: 3n in Botswana; 3n in Zimbabwe; 2n in Namibia

10 sightings

4 sightings

2 sightings

6 sightings
"Great place to stay"

1 sighting

10 sightings

10 sightings
"Ichingo Chobe River Lodge was our favourite"
All meals and activities are included here - I think this is a very good idea when you are staying at a remote lodge. At Ichingo you could chose your mealtimes, your activities and the length and timing of those activities. We had a dedicated guide, Morvin, for the whole of our stay. In the course of our two night stay we did two afternoon boat trips to Chobe National park where we saw hundreds of elephants, lots and lots of buffalo, and plenty of hippos both in and out of the water, crocodiles, and many many different types of bird and also most of the other animals we'd seen in Etosha apart from rhinos and lions; on our first morning we did a walk around Impalila island with Morvin, which was very interesting. After a couple of hours Ernest picked us up in a vehicle and drove us to more remote parts of the island. We had a closer look at island villages and learnt a lot about life on the island; on our final morning we checked out early, cleared Namibian immigration and then Morvin took us on a boat trip around the island and down the Zambezi before taking us across to Botswana immigration at Kasane.
There was no aspect of our stay at Ichingo that I think could be improved on. Rooms, food, service, all were excellent. The lodge has a great setting above a fast flowing section of the Chobe River, just before it enters the Zambezi.
It is mainly a fishing lodge but certainly caters very well for visitors with no interest in fishing." See all these reviews: 17n in Namibia; 2n in Zimbabwe

10 sightings

10 sightings

4 sightings

10 sightings
"Surprising stay at Ichingo"
We arrived and were warmly welcomed by the ever-smiling Kennedy who seems to be an institution at this lodge. The tents are classic, generously sized, large bathroom with a lovely hot shower and (bizarre but welcome) air conditioning. The tents and central area overlook the trees and then the river/rapids and there is abundant, comfortable seating in the lounge and a large dining area.
Our gentle guide, Felix, was full of information when asked about something.
The staff are all lovely and hard-working but the staff behind the bar and serving the drinks at dinner kept disappearing which caused obvious concern to many guests. On our second night a manageress appeared, poured a few glasses of wine at dinner and was not seen again. Guests on the first night dined at various tables spread around the area while on the second night everyone dined at one table. The guests ended up getting the wine from the sideboard and helping themselves which was not really a problem.
There is a problem with insects being drawn to the lights so the lights above the table are turned off and lanterns put on the balcony railings so the bugs are drawn there. We thought this worked well but upset some who wanted a close look at what they were eating. We found the food delicious. The guests were a mixture of people about to go on the Queen, those who had come for the renowned fishing and people like us who were there for the wildlife. There was one loud and difficult man who managed to upset many with his comments. No guides or management were at the dining table to help the conversation move along or deflect his comments.
Breakfast is at 8 and then you go out for a morning activity. The activities on offer are wildlife viewing from a tender, fishing, and village visit. A road trip in Chobe Park can be arranged. We tried fishing (having never done it before) by cruising up and down some of the channels: pretty and peaceful (apart from protesting hippos) but unproductive. The sunset on the water was superb. In the morning we did the wildlife boat trip which resulted in seeing more fantastic swimming elephants as well as many other animals. The tender can be slowly moved up to the animals on the river bank without disturbing them which results in some wonderful sightings (and photographic opportunities). In the afternoon we asked to go up to the Zambezi and then did more fishing on the way back which resulted in the surprise catch and release of two Tigerfish and much laughter. Sally won bragging rights!
The following morning we were taken from the lodge and through the customs procedures into Botswana and onto a Chobe Park safari which we enjoyed although that part of Chobe is very busy.
We trusted that all of the transfers would work and, apart from a minor timing hiccup, they did.
We enjoyed our stay at Ichingo as we had the chance to try different activities and enjoyed the rustic setting." See all these reviews: 14n in Botswana; 4n in Namibia

4 sightings

10 sightings

1 sighting

10 sightings

1 sighting

1 sighting

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings
"Fishing is great at Ichigo Chose River Lodge"
I went on the hike 4 1/2 hour. Thru the village and to the big Baobab tree. And more Game viewing from the boat.
Love it there and my husband placens to come back.
Evans my guide was great, and very knowledgeable about the area.
We got lots of pictures. This time of year would be great for birders. Nesting time for the Yellow billed Stork." See all these reviews: 3n in Namibia; 2n in Botswana; 1n in Zimbabwe

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

1 sighting

Multiple sightings
"Ichingo Chobe River Lodge review"
Amazing having a private guide and boat for the two of us for all of our excursions." See all these reviews: 5n in Namibia; 1n in Zimbabwe
"Fabulous stay at Ichingo"
We were here 14 years ago and experienced the same all round fantastic service. We were thrilled to meet up with Ernest again, who had been our guide and is now the driving force behind the whole Lodge experience. It seems that after Ralph died and the family have left, Ernest has led the new team exceptionally well.
It seems that during this interim period, a new company has taken over and the new people are learning how The Lodge is run. There was a man and wife, whose presence was not in much evidence. The man ( sorry, I can't remember his name), we only met once and his wife we saw sat up at the bar to greet back the South African group of fishermen each evening. She - to be honest - seemed to have little interest in us! Other than that, they had a low profile.
As we left, we were singing the praises of Ernest and Bev appeared and agreed how much she relied on him. Our BIG concern is that even if the local people continue to be employed at Ichingo, if it is taken over by a 'Corporate', then the whole ethos will change. Not just for the island, but the Lodge visitors too. The 'family' feel is something that cannot be replaced.
We, yet again, had a truly fantastic stay and wonderful memories to bring home with us. Let's hope it doesn't change." See all these reviews: 4n in Zambia; 2n in Namibia
But on the river with Felix we had absolutely first rate service." See all these reviews: 4n in Namibia
"Ichingo Chobe River Lodge review"
We enjoyed sitting with the other guests for the meals, they were a very diverse group and it's interesting to hear what other visitor have seen and done. ( there seems to be less of this now, I suppose the lodges are bigger, but I enjoy it and miss it!
The food was imaginative and well cooked and presented.
Felix our guide looked after us well, from Boabab tree walk, to finding a leopard on the banks on the Chobe.
The only downside is the faff getting there, walking up the hill to the immigration post in the middle of the day is a chore, as well as all the other formalities. Maybe something to be said for staying Botswana side as we did before? But the location did mostly make up for it." See all these reviews: 14n in Namibia
"Real luxury in a magical setting"
Meals were very enjoyable taken round a communal table, the food excellent. Our room was very comfortable with the sound of the rapids to lull us to sleep. Our wake up call with a fresh tray of tea was delightful." See all these reviews: 23n in Namibia; 9n in Botswana
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