Reviews of Chada Camp
Wildlife sightings and reviews
34 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Chada Camp and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa

100% success

86% success

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100% success

100% success

100% success

100% success

100% success

57% success

43% success

33% success

14% success

0% success

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0% success
"Chada Camp review"
You also realise immediately how incredibly remote you are - over the three days we didn't see more than half a dozen other vehicles (and these were mostly from our camp)
Chada camp is different to other camps we have stayed in. It's very simple and perhaps rustic in look and feel (authentic?). You could argue that some refreshing of the accommodation would be desirable, however this is not a distraction from staying here (it was just something noticeable when coming from Kwihala camp in Ruaha)
Service was really good, food good and tasty and the guiding from Bismas fantastic. We also had a great night drive and saw so much more than you would ordinarily see during the day.
Worth noting that there are Tetse flies at Katavi. Not an issue when the guides know where they are but we did have one evening drive (wrong turn) where we got caught big time with the little sods. A small price to pay given the magic that is Katavi (just have strong insect repellent)" See all these reviews: 17n in Tanzania

2 sightings

6 sightings

7 sightings

10 sightings

2 sightings

5 sightings

Roan antelope
Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings
"Chada Camp review"
Another highlight of the camp was the flush toilet in the common area. Enclosed in its own tent which opens out onto a view of the floodplain, it was a very popular destination before and after game drives and provided the best view of a herd of elephants that passed by camp one afternoon.
While Chada Camp was the only place where we encountered mosquitoes during our trip because we were there fairly early in the dry season, our beds were well protected with expansive mosquito netting even though we didn't spot any mosquitoes inside our tent.
The service at the camp was excellent without being too intrusive. Shortly after we mentioned to the camp manager that the zipper for the entrance to our tent had become balky, we returned to our tent to find a staff member replacing the entire zipper with a new one. As for the food (which was delicious) we really appreciated that Chada Camp served a dinner consisting entirely of local cuisine. Ugali!" See all these reviews: 12n in Tanzania

10 sightings

10 sightings

10 sightings

10 sightings

5 sightings

10 sightings
"Chada Camp review"
We had some real 'quality' game viewing including witnessing the stalking and kill by a pride of lions; the numerous densely crowded hippo pools (Katavi has the highest concentration of hippo anywhere), a herd of roan antelope; and the rarely seen white-tailed mongoose. However, what we missed were the concentrations of animals on the Chada Plain, where there were not the density of species for which Katavi is renowned, perhaps because there had been some early rain and the controlled burning carried out by the Park authorities elsewhere had dispersed the animals. To this extent, the stay at Katavi did not meet our expectations. Access to some potential viewing environments was restricted by the lack of road/track access.
Nevertheless, we thoroughly enjoyed our experiences in Katavi and really appreciated John our driver/guide who did all he could to enhance our trip and provided valuable and knowledgeable information on all the animals and birdlife." See all these reviews: 14n in Tanzania

10 sightings

6 sightings

10 sightings

10 sightings

10 sightings

1 sighting

10 sightings

Roan antelope
10 sightings

Spotted Hyena
4 sightings

10 sightings
"Chada Camp review"
I had read in one write-up of Katavi that you could end up seeing more lion than people and I took that with a pinch of salt ... but we did in fact see more lion than other travelers. The Chada pride were spread but out in force and to see the male lion roar right next to us on a night drive was memorable. We watched elephant families play, a bull elephant shove a tamarind tree so that the fruit showered down and male giraffe mock neck-fighting. The hippos and crocs combination were always entertaining and we saw leopard on both day and night drives.
As for the camp, this is run by the cheerful Julian who was an excellent host entertaining guests with his stories. This camp was no doubt at the higher-end than our two in Selous and Ruaha but it maintains that rustic and wild feel. Again, elephant families were frequent visitors to camp, giraffe wandered by, a banded mongoose family foraged around our tent and bushbucks and vervet monkeys were also frequent visitors. The food at the camp was excellent and service impeccable.
We loved the varied activities on offer here. Yes, the game-drives were shared unlike in our previous camps, but the quality of guiding by Dismas was very high and we enjoyed the walking safari which was a decent length allowing us some much-needed exercise. The fly-camping (under a separate review) is a must-do." See all these reviews: 17n in Tanzania

10 sightings

10 sightings

10 sightings

10 sightings

3 sightings

4 sightings

10 sightings
"Chada Camp review"
Unusually, in our experience, the afternoon drive ended before dark so the night drive was a separate trip but well worth doing once.
The staff were all quite excellent and it was a joy to be able to speak to so many, so easily. It was only on leaving that we found that Nomad employed an English teacher who rotated around camps for three months at a time but it was clearly an initiative which was hugely successful, helping both staff and guests!
Our one negative (which we knew all about before our trip) was the tsetse flies which were typically persistent and irritating. Knowing in advance allowed us to prepare mentally so they did not ruin an otherwise excellent camp!
One unexpected bonus was that rain a week before we arrived had kicked off spring and trees were beginning to blossom. As a result we were able to smell some wonderful scents we had not experienced before - who knew that the mahogany trees smelt like honeysuckle? We didn't and were quite unprepared for the impact as you walked or drove through the bush!" See all these reviews: 14n in Tanzania

10 sightings

10 sightings

10 sightings

10 sightings

2 sightings

10 sightings

Roan antelope
4 sightings

Spotted Hyena
1 sighting

10 sightings
"Marvelous camp and safari "

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Roan antelope
2 sightings

Spotted Hyena
Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings
"Great Camp in a Nice Location"
Although Chada Camp itself was excellent, we were a bit disappointed in the park itself. It is promoted as a real wilderness experience because of its size and remote location. But the network of roads is very limited, and quite often one is crossing a major gravel road that has a fair amount of local traffic, including buses, on it. That was a surprise in a park touted as a real wilderness!
Game viewing was very good, although diversity was limited. This was likely due to the fact that it was an extremely wet year and water was still plentiful in many inaccessible areas so the game could stay dispersed." See all these reviews: 18n in Tanzania

4 sightings

8 sightings

8 sightings

8 sightings

1 sighting

3 sightings

8 sightings
"Chada Camp review"
"A camp to experience nature at it's best"
Our hosts, Barbara and Fabio, were delightful and our guide, Joe, excellent with great knowledge and a sense of fun.
Food was good despite being "in the middle of nowwhere ". We came back from the whole trip with great admiration for the Tanzanian chefs." See all these reviews: 20n in Tanzania
"Great park and good game viewing"
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