Reviews of Ongava Lodge
Wildlife sightings and reviews
170 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Ongava Lodge and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa

90% success

13% success

12% success

96% success

96% success

92% success

92% success

88% success

84% success

83% success

41% success

29% success

16% success

15% success

15% success

3% success

0% success
"Ongava Lodge review"
Private game reserve with so much to see, incl rhino (white & black), lion, elephant, all manner of bok & general game.
Rendered Etosha a bit ho hum!
Fantastic guide Samuel.
Waterhole & hide yielded amazing sights.
Highlight was a guided walk to see white rhino 15 mtr away. Unforgettable." See all these reviews: 14n in Namibia

Black Rhino
6 sightings

8 sightings

10 sightings

10 sightings

4 sightings

10 sightings

White Rhino
6 sightings

10 sightings

10 sightings
"Ongava Lodge review"
The highlight is the hide next to the waterhole, a short walk from the lodge, large game so close.
Highly recommended" See all these reviews: 24n in Namibia

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Roan antelope
Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings
"Ongava Lodge review"
Very comfortable feeling and one of the best rooms of our trip!
Great hide for viewing of the waterhole. Super friendly staff! Good sundowners after seeing lions, rhinos, elephants, mongoose and honey badger. Also the hyraxes playing around the rocks by the pool were cute.
We were told to arrive by two in the afternoon for possible afternoon activities but this was not necessary, just be there by around four-four-thirty." See all these reviews: 13n in Namibia

Black Rhino
Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

White Rhino
Multiple sightings
"Ongava Lodge review"
We enjoyed our jeep trips out with our excellent guide, Teacher. We saw two large male lions, one of them striding along purposefully and the other flaked out on the side of the track, as well as a whole pride of other lions.
The setting of the lodge is beautiful and looks over a waterhole. We were privileged to see rhinos both evenings we were there, including a baby and other young ones. We also enjoyed seeing elephants at the waterhole one lunchtime and viewing them from the hide." See all these reviews: 18n in Namibia

Black Rhino
Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

1 sighting

White Rhino
Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings
"Ongava Lodge review"
Highlights included walking with rhinos and a separate bush walk with our guide the next day. The hide by the watering hole allows a very close up view of animals - including rhinos and elephant. Staying for three nights gave more flexibility in what we did with our guide.
Accommodation was luxurious and the food good." See all these reviews: 16n in Namibia

Black Rhino
4 sightings

Brown Hyena
1 sighting

5 sightings

7 sightings

10 sightings

White Rhino
5 sightings

10 sightings

10 sightings
"Ongava Lodge review"
Compared to other hotels, the service wasn't quite so good - we weren't given an option to have a guide take us to Etosha, perhaps a lack of staff that day.
The rooms are also quite tired and in need of a refresh and cleanliness could have been better (a little dusty and a stained towel).
Overall a good experience but some updates to the rooms would be a good idea." See all these reviews: 11n in Namibia

Black Rhino
1 sighting

1 sighting

1 sighting

Multiple sightings

1 sighting

Multiple sightings

Roan antelope
1 sighting

White Rhino
Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings
"Ongava Lodge review"
The rooms and facilities were exactly as we remembered.
The food was fine but not memorable (again no change from 2016). The view of the water hole from the restaurant is terrific. Watching the rhinos each evening during dinner never palls.
Teacher was a great guide, very professional. Although the lodge was pretty full we were lucky to be the only people with him on most of the drives morning and evening. So he could and did tailor to our preferences.
We did a couple of rhino approaches, leaving the car and walking with him up to the white rhinos which are a lot less skittish than the black.
It was a great contrast to Desert Rhino camp." See all these reviews: 11n in Namibia

Black Rhino
5 sightings

5 sightings

4 sightings

3 sightings

2 sightings

White Rhino
10 sightings

5 sightings

5 sightings
"Ongava Lodge review"
We had been to Ongava before and loved it in the tented camp. The biggest advantage of the Lodge is the view of the watering hole, whilst the tented camp feels more exciting but would be happy to stay in either again." See all these reviews: 15n in Namibia

Black Rhino
2 sightings

3 sightings

2 sightings

5 sightings

1 sighting

3 sightings

Roan antelope
3 sightings

Sable antelope
3 sightings

Spotted Hyena
5 sightings

White Rhino
2 sightings

3 sightings

4 sightings
"Ongava Lodge review"
Meals were great, in particular they cooked the brown rice we brought with us to cater for a diabetic in our group. In all honestly though, you almost forget about the food, because you’re glued to the activity at the waterhole out front whether at breakfast or dinner: rhinos, elephants, giraffe, even a leopard sighting at night.
You can get even better views from the hide, something I have never experienced - why go out and look for animals when they come right to you. Note that you can go to the hide in the evenings as well which we would have done had we known beforehand (this is something the staff might want to highlight when guests check in).
As for the game drives, the rhino tracking was thrilling as you are able to exit the vehicle, and we got to see a pride of lions including cubs which has to be one of my most memorable moments of the trip." See all these reviews: 15n in Namibia

Black Rhino
Multiple sightings

1 sighting

1 sighting

1 sighting

1 sighting

White Rhino
1 sighting
"Ongava Lodge review"
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