Reviews of Onguma Tented Camp
Wildlife sightings and reviews
107 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Onguma Tented Camp and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa

62% success

25% success

37% success

97% success

97% success

93% success

90% success

76% success

39% success

36% success

30% success

27% success

26% success

21% success

17% success

0% success

0% success
"Onguma Tented Camp review"
The food was great, good service from all the waiting staff.
The only comment we felt both of the managers/reception staff to be distant and uncommunicative." See all these reviews: 15n in Namibia

5 sightings

2 sightings

5 sightings

9 sightings
"Onguma Tented Camp review"
Nicely appointed glamping tent/huts. Close enough to Etosha to allow day trips into the park.
The guide offered a walking safari one morning, which is not offered in most lodges.
A worthwhile experience to observe different aspects of the landscape and wildlife." See all these reviews: 15n in Namibia; 5n in South Africa

1 sighting

3 sightings

3 sightings

1 sighting

3 sightings

3 sightings
"Onguma Tented Camp review"
Guide ( Francis)was excellent. Only thing let it down was manager very functional/ lacked warmth.
Actual reserve was disappointing although national park was close and great" See all these reviews: 14n in Namibia
"Onguma Tented Camp review"
The bush dinner was amazing too. I wish we had more time to spend at the lodge to relax and enjoy the settings.
I was actually sad to have to leave, the waterhole was wonderful with lots of activities from the wildlife.
I also loved the way our room was decorated, definitely one of the best camps that we stayed on this trip." See all these reviews: 13n in Namibia

1 sighting

2 sightings

3 sightings

2 sightings

2 sightings

Roan antelope
1 sighting

Sable antelope
1 sighting

2 sightings

3 sightings
"Onguma Tented Camp review"
Very comfortable tent. Excellent food. Lovely view over the waterhole when you are having supper. We saw a leopard come down for a drink not 70 yards away.
Very good game drive into Etosha. We saw honey badger, two leopards (one eating a freshly killed springbok), two cheetahs, white rhino and lots of elephants. In Onguma itself we saw a nice pride of lions and the next evening saw them hunting impala.
Highly recommended. Nice little pool." See all these reviews: 13n in Namibia; 1n in South Africa

1 sighting

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

White Rhino
1 sighting

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings
"Onguma Tented Camp review"
It is conveniently located just outside the east entrance to Etosha." See all these reviews: 21n in Namibia

Black Rhino
Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Spotted Hyena
Multiple sightings

White Rhino
Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings
"Onguma Tented Camp review"
The camp is well located for Etosha and we enjoyed our stay.
Fantastic view from the tent, and the main building, over a water hole. Saw a family wart hogs bathing and playing" See all these reviews: 21n in Namibia

3 sightings

2 sightings

4 sightings

10 sightings

10 sightings
"A welcome back to Onguma Tented Camp"
We were not disappointed - met at the covered parking area with cold damp refreshment towels and cold teas and a familiar face or two - the same manager and assistant as on our previous visit. A welcome pot of tea over our re-introduction chat.
It must have been a co-incidence that we were given our previous chalet!
Our first supper was taken overlooking the waterhole - three courses of stunning food.
Early the next day was one of the best experiences of our trip - nearly three hours watching wildlife from elephant toenail height - yes, we did see those toe nails almost within touching distance!
Keeping to the right-hand side of the sunken hide meant we could see a lot of birdlife in the trees and bushes - something another guest advised the night before. The elephant antics as they tried to 'mudify' their rear ends were a sight to behold.
The next day was an early morning drive to Etosha. We did see a rare black rhino (well its rear), a honeymooning pair of lions before a clan hyenas and vultures were scavenging an elephant who had died overnight (not a kill per se). The smell was somewhat obnoxious.
Our only criticism was the guide was chasing sightings whilst we were in the park - at speed meant no chance of seeing other (two legged) creatures. He should have asked us what we wanted to see if at all possible. It needed a chill out session at the lounge to wind down and watch the waterhole - a trio of Oryx !
That evening we saw black-backed jackal and a troop of banded mongoose and other larger four legged animals at the waterhole. The meal again was superb.
We drove ourselves around the east of Etosha on the morning we left as we had the time. Our pace was more sedate than the game drive and we could try and see what we came to see. The waterhole just south of the park entrance provided interaction between giraffe, elephants and oryx.
Food and accompanying service at Onguma is excellent and the staff very friendly - well worth our coming up there again." See all these reviews: 13n in Namibia; 2n in Botswana
"Onguma Tented Camp"
The 2nd night we were booked on the Dream Cruiser sleep out which was a great experience. We were driven about half an hour from the camp by Samuel to the Cruiser which overlooks a waterhole. He showed us around and explained everything including the walkie talkie should we need assistance! Champange, drinks and canapés all provided for us. He left and about 40 mins later the chef arrived with our picnic dinner in a hamper which he set up for us. We were then left to enjoy dinner and sleep under the stars.
Next morning Samuel arrived with coffee and biscuits which we enjoyed watching some Zebra at the waterhole. He then came back for us at 7.40am to take us back to the lodge for breakfast. It was a one-off experience which we are so pleased we booked.
The only thing we would have liked better is to have the chance to arrive at the Cruiser earlier. We left the lodge at 5pm so arriving at 5.30pm by the time Samuel had gone through everything the sun was already going down rapidly and before we knew it it was dark. An hour earlier would have allowed us to take our time over a sundowner or 2 before the chef arriving without being so rushed!" See all these reviews: 21n in Namibia

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings
"Onguma Tented Camp review"
Food and rooms were nice, wildlife on the reserve was very hit or miss (barely saw anything in the reserve itself, especially compared to other private areas around Etosha like Ongava, which has a lot of wildlife)." See all these reviews: 15n in Namibia; 2n in Botswana

Black Rhino
Multiple sightings

1 sighting

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

1 sighting

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Roan antelope
Multiple sightings

Sable antelope
Multiple sightings

Spotted Hyena
1 sighting

White Rhino
Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings

Multiple sightings
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