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Shinde Footsteps
Shinde Footsteps
Shinde Footsteps
Shinde Footsteps
Shinde Footsteps
Shinde Footsteps
Shinde Footsteps
Shinde Footsteps
Shinde Footsteps
Shinde Footsteps

Reviews of Shinde Footsteps

Wildlife sightings and reviews

48 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Shinde Footsteps and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa

Wildlife sightings by our travellers
Starting in Aug-2019, 7 of our travellers have recorded their wildlife sightings at Shinde Footsteps.

71% success


29% success


0% success

Wild dog

0% success


100% success


100% success


100% success


100% success


86% success


71% success

Spotted Hyena

71% success


29% success


0% success

Black Rhino

0% success


0% success

Roan antelope

0% success

Sable antelope

0% success

White Rhino

0% success

Showing 21-30 of 48
Arrival date
Mr & Mrs H

"A highlight - terrific walking safari"

2 nights Arrived 15 Jun 2014
"This was my husband's favourite safari. I had thought that this would be more flora than fauna; and that meals would be very basic. I couldn't have been more wrong! For this reason I have gone overboard on detail in this review.

We were met at Shinde airstrip by our guide Paul Moleseng and his outstanding assistant TH, and, because the water levels were so high, our journey to camp was part drive, part mokoro and part drive. We stayed in Tent 3 and were surprised to find we were the only guests staying at the camp. The tent was identical in layout to those at Kwai Tented Camp except that here we did have a hanging canvas wardrobe. All the tents overlooked the water and from the dining tent there was a superb view of the floating islands as they passed by. The camp has a resident elephant 'Oscar' (who passed right by me as I was sat sunbathing on a bush TV chair) and a resident hyaena 'Fat Albert'.

We walked in a close group one after the other; Paul led the way with his rifle, followed by the guests in order of height (shortest first), and TH brought up the rear. We had heard lions during our first night and Paul knew there was a good chance that we would come across them during our morning walk. Three male lions were spotted on Devastation Island (although water levels were rising rapidly this area had still not flooded). We were given strict instructions how to behave as we walked past the mound under their gaze. That evening we had our sundowners stood on Devastation Island surveying the tracks of the lions from that morning. The Land Cruiser came to pick us up and take us back to camp and on the way we met the 3 lions again, hunting a wildebeest (who managed to escape). This was not the last time that we would see them!

Meals were cooked on an open fire and baking (bread, cakes etc) was done using a large metal box. The food was superb. On our last night the staff laid out a 'romantic dinner' for us on the viewing platform with lanterns lighting the way - Champagne, pea soup, fillet steak, cheesecake and wine. We were very lucky to have visited Footsteps when Paul Moleseng was available. He works all over the place, although he is passionate about Footsteps which he regards as his home. It would be a wonderful camp for a family with children to visit.

We saw red lechwe, impala, black-backed jackal, warthog, elephant, giraffe, baboon, zebra, wildebeest, kudu, tsessebe, hippo, crocodile and lion. We saw saddle-billed stork, wattled crane, black crake, yellow-billed stork, spoonbill, secretary bird, little bee-eater, intermediate egrets, Senegal coucal, white-faced duck, knob-billed duck, jacana, grey heron, slaty egret, green wood-hoopoe, white-browed robin-chat, and ostrich. We did look at some flora - a large Python Vine twisting around the trunk and branch of a tree; and a Strangler Fig." See all these reviews: 24n in Botswana; 7n in Mozambique; 1n in South Africa
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

Mr L

"It Doesn't Get Better than This"

3 nights Arrived 28 Nov 2013
"Footsteps Across the Delta is my favourite camp in Africa. (this was my eleventh safari). It successfully creates on old Africa feel and provides simple yet comfortable accommodation. The food is excellent as is the guiding. Our guide was known as O.P. and was informative, knowledgeable and entertaining.

We saw male lions chase an intruder from their territory and encountered wild dogs whilst on foot as well as watching dung beetles a work.

The camp was well managed and everything ran smoothly. I cannot praise this camp enough.
The only negative that I can think of is that the Landcruisers are only open at the sides - the roofs and back are closed and this makes wildlife viewing and photography slightly more difficult. However since walking is the major activity this is no big deal.

A wonderful experince." See all these reviews: 9n in Botswana
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

Mr E

"Footsteps Across the Delta review"

2 nights Arrived 5 Oct 2013
"The unexpected experience of finding ourselves the only guests with 8 members of staff to look after us was at times overwhelming. We'd expected other guests, up to 4 more, but this is not the policy of Footsteps. Two guests at a time is their norm.

The release from game drives in vehicles by just walking through the environment, including accompaning giraffes on their evening stroll, was wonderful. The Mokoro trip was equally memorable. However the highlight has to be Oscar the visiting 40 year old bull elephant. He disrupted our attempts at showering by forcing us to retreat into the tent. It's wonderful having an elephant so close to you that you can hear the swish of his tail and almost count the number of eyelashes.

However he also joined us for breakfast and promptly ate my wifes fruit, knocking condiments, tea and containers off the table. The camp manager was not happy and final the guide was throwing table mats at him to move him away. Our guide assured us that this was a one off visit and that they will now have to devise strategies to discourage him in future.

He so delayed us that we nearly missed our connecting flight to Kwara." See all these reviews: 10n in Botswana; 2n in Zimbabwe
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

J & L
Santa Monica

"Private safari!"

2 nights Arrived 22 Sep 2013
"The walks were fine, but what makes Footsteps special is the exclusivity. There are no other camps in this concession, so you have the animals to yourself.

The service is a bit formal for our taste, but maybe British travelers will prefer it. That said, they conjured up a memorable private, romantic dinner for two on our last night. I still don't know how they arranged for the elephant to walk by between courses!" See all these reviews: 8n in Botswana
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

Mrs B

"Footsteps-Incredible Lion Experience"

2 nights Arrived 13 Aug 2013
"Tracked & followed the most incredible saga--day fight between an intruder lion & lioness with the resident pride of 4 lion brothers. Everything from intruder lion narrowly escaping from twin lions & his lioness mate severely injured by alpha lion. Then that dusk/evening we watched the unfolding of the reunion & affection among the 4 brothers. Hearing & seeing big open-mouthed roars from 10 ft. are unbelievable! Lioness survived & slept that night 5 ft. from tent of our guide--safe haven.

Not really roughing it here-fun to experience the bucket shower & bush toilet. Outstanding food prepared in the bush "kitchen"." See all these reviews: 12n in Botswana; 2n in Zambia
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

Mrs A

"Brilliant time at Footsteps"

2 nights Arrived 24 Jun 2013
"Footsteps was totally amazing. We found that the smaller the camps were, the better the experience, and we liked the more rustic aspect.

The bucket shower was something we had never experienced before and perfectly adequate. Again Oscar the elephant, who considered the campsite as his territory, was very entertaining, although our guide always was very cautious and watchful of Oscars antics. Oscar tried to get into our hammock but only succeeded in putting one foot thankfully and that nearly brought a tree down!

Here we heard majestic roaring of lions at night and we were taken by jeep to see one in all his glory at close quarters! He looked magnificent, in the moonlight, stretched out upon a mound surveying his domain and roaring to call his companions of three other males who worked together hunting. As with most of the animals in Botswana, he was a picture of health!

OP and his trainee guides made so many interesting observations and basically taught us so much Africa although we realize that we have not even scratched the surface of this wonderful country.

On the whole Footsteps and Kwara were definitely our favourite camps." See all these reviews: 9n in Botswana
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

Mr & Mrs B

"Terrific experience at Footsteps with caution"

2 nights Arrived 11 May 2013
"We were thrilled by the Footsteps experience -- really luxury camping and hiking in wild Africa. Footsteps offers a different level of intimacy with the wild, and we were very happy to discover it.

The accommodations far exceeded our expectations for what we expected to be a more rustic camp, and the great food and opportunity to share a deeper social connection with the camp manager and staff -- we were the only guests, but this camp never has more than 6-7 -- was another unexpected plus. Hiking on foot to see plentiful wildlife -- zebras, giraffe, elephants, and even lion -- is a different experience than being in the safety of a vehicle, and has to be experienced to be understood. Game was plentiful.

But we had an unexpected event -- walking at dusk, later than we had felt was prudent, we discovered ourselves under surveillance by a male and female lion, though 100+ meters away, the female arose and began to circle us -- nothing untoward happened and we were able to return quickly and safely to our vehicle, but we felt our guide, while armed, should not have had us walking so late. Perhaps the fact that our guide was substituting for the regular guide, was not physically fit and seemed to delay this last walk, contributed to this scary experience. Fortunately the assistant guide was vigilant, very observant and spotted the lions." See all these reviews: 8n in Botswana
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

Ms W

"Footsteps Across the Delta review"

3 nights Arrived 11 Apr 2013
"The walking safari experience was definitely the highlight of our entire trip.

Especially after a week of game drives, it was wonderful to explore a very remote and untouched area on foot, without any motor sound, and to take the time to watch the wildlife. Wildlife is abundant in the area. We particularly enjoyed sitting under a tree and watching the game and birds at the many waterholes. Meeting elephants when walking was definitely a highlight! And so were the incredible sunsets, different every day.

Paul Molesend is an extremely knowledgeable guide with a lot of experience and great passion for the bush. He made our experience even more enjoyable and memorable. Thank you!

The camp is, of course, less luxurious than the other camps we stayed at, however, this somewhat rustic character only enhances the bush feeling. We loved the beautiful location of the camp, the hammock in front of our tent, the campfire, bush shower, ... Food was very good, too (particularly the homemade chili sauce!) and the bar well stocked...

When planning our next safari holiday in Africa, we will definitely put a stronger focus on walking safaris, three days were just not enough! In particular, it would have been great to also do the Kanana Mokoro Trail, which is a combination of walking and mokoro trips in an even more remote area of the concession. That's for next time..." See all these reviews: 16n in Botswana; 2n in Zambia
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

Mr & Mrs T

"Footsteps Across the Delta review"

3 nights Arrived 3 Oct 2012
"Again just the sort of camp that we love. The staff were very friendly and the camp was very well run by Changu and her team. There was more attention to detail and the tents were better quality than at Saile. it was a nice surprise to have a birthday cake. We would like to thank Ker & Downey for the complimentary bottle of fizz, However it was the work and effort that the staff put in to make a special meal which we had in a romantic setting which will make it a birthday that will not be forgotten.

The guide, OP, and trainee guide, Aaron were delightful and humorous and were for ever setting us quizzes and tests to test our knowledge on dung and tracks!!! (Judging by our results, their jobs are safe!!).

The most memorable highlight was seeing the 4 male lions and hearing them as they passed camp during the night." See all these reviews: 6n in Botswana
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

Mr & Mrs PF
NW London


3 nights Arrived 28 May 2012
"This was the top camp for us because it was more basic where we shared the bush with the staff in a very small group. However it was not booked up and I fear that many travellers want the comparative luxury of other camps. The camp is without a booking 15 days in June and I fear for the economics of the operation.

Kwala is apparently mid range and not luxurious compared to many camps but it seemed to have every mod con to us. A walking safari is exciting as one gets close to nature, can breathe and hear the bush and its noises and there is no roar of engines of three vehicles chasing lions or dogs etc

A great experience with an excellent guide and the manager and 4 staff who looked after us. We have one quibble. Presumably to save money we flew to the Shinde airstrip as they own Footsteps. If we had flown to the Kwara airstrip it would have halved the 3 and half hour road journey to Footsteps" See all these reviews: 9n in Botswana
Experience Report
Overall Rating:

Showing 21-30 of 48
48 reviews of Shinde Footsteps by travellers since August 2007
Overall rating by our travellers
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Wildlife safaris

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Other lodges in Okavango Delta Safari Reserves

Alternative places to stay in this same area.

Kwara Camp

Kwara Camp

Kwara Camp's private reserve boasts land and water activities year round, with excellent game-viewing opportunities and access to permanent channels of the north-east Okavango Delta.

93% (226 reviews)
Little Vumbura

Little Vumbura

On a secluded island within a private reserve, Little Vumbura combines superb game viewing with a broad diversity of habitats in a truly picturesque setting.

96% (138 reviews)
Shinde Camp

Shinde Camp

With experienced staff and a wealth of activities, Shinde offers a traditional safari in an exceptionally varied and wildlife-rich environment.

94% (101 reviews)
Chitabe Lediba

Chitabe Lediba

Chitabe Lediba, in Botswana's southern Okavango Delta, is a small family friendly safari camp; it offers great dry-land safaris and in our experience consistently delivers good game sightings.

97% (87 reviews)
Splash Camp

Splash Camp

Set in the Kwara Reserve, offering superb wildlife viewing year-round, Splash offers both land and water activities led by guides with a particular knack for tracking big game.

96% (81 reviews)
Sandibe Safari Lodge

Sandibe Safari Lodge

The luxurious Sandibe Okavango Safari Lodge lies in a private concession in the heart of the Okavango Delta, beside Moremi Game Reserve, with superb big-game viewing.

94% (78 reviews)


In a beautiful part of the Delta, Kanana focuses on fantastic water activities and birding – including exclusive access to an impressive heronry.

95% (77 reviews)
Chitabe Camp

Chitabe Camp

In the southern Okavango Delta, the excellent Chitabe Camp concentrates on dry-land safaris in an area that we've found particularly good for wild dog sightings.

96% (69 reviews)
Gomoti Plains Camp

Gomoti Plains

Overlooking a tributary of the Gomoti River, Gomoti Plains Camp is a classically designed camp with very comfortable tents in a good game-viewing area.

93% (38 reviews)
Nxabega Okavango Tented Camp

Nxabega Tented Camp

Nxabega offers a selection of both land- and water-based activities, plus very good guiding, food and service, but game viewing can be somewhat erratic.

95% (38 reviews)
Tubu Tree Camp

Tubu Tree Camp

A traditional tented camp with a distinctive tree-house feel, Tubu Tree offers some of the best game viewing in the Jao Reserve.

98% (37 reviews)
Vumbura Plains

Vumbura Plains

Indulgently stylish and luxurious, Vumbura Plains offers superb game viewing and birding on an exceptionally varied private reserve.

96% (37 reviews)
Jacana Camp

Jacana Camp

Jacana Camp is a small safari camp with an informal island feel; it is ideal for water-based activities in the Delta and offers excellent birdwatching.

99% (27 reviews)
Kwetsani Camp

Kwetsani Camp

Deep in the Delta, overlooking a floodplain, Kwetsani Camp is a small, high-end camp with good access to areas for land and water-based activities.

96% (23 reviews)
Mapula Lodge

Mapula Lodge

For an affordable yet varied safari encompassing a range of eco-systems, the traditional Mapula Lodge takes a lot of beating.

94% (20 reviews)
Duba Explorers Camp

Duba Explorers Camp

Intimate and elegant, Duba Explorers Camp promises a firm safari focus in a remote corner of the Okavango, led by a team who value the highest guiding and hosting standards.

96% (19 reviews)
Duba Plains Camp

Duba Plains Camp

Duba Plains Camp is a traditional safari camp, best known for the thrilling lion and buffalo interaction that is often found here in broad daylight.

95% (19 reviews)
Baines' Camp

Baines' Camp

Baines' Camp is a well-run, intimate camp in a pretty part of the Okavango, offering a range of activities and the option to spend a morning walking with elephants.

92% (17 reviews)
Stanley's Camp

Stanley's Camp

In a private concession south of Moremi Game Reserve, Stanley's Camp offers 4WD game drives, seasonal water activities and a superb elephant interaction.

93% (16 reviews)
Pom Pom Camp

Pom Pom Camp

Amidst stunning Okavango Delta scenery, Pom Pom offers idyllic mokoro trips in season, great birdwatching, and increasingly good big-game sightings, especially leopards.

95% (15 reviews)
Little Tubu

Little Tubu

Little Tubu is a new, traditional camp with just three tented chalets and a distinctive tree-house feel. The areas around it can be explored by water and land-based activities year round.

100% (14 reviews)
Mma Dinare

Mma Dinare

Beautifully located in a private concession overlooking the Gomoti River, the traditional Mma Dinare is very well-priced for the Okavango Delta.

98% (13 reviews)
Pelo Camp

Pelo Camp

In a pristine wilderness environment deep in the Okavango Delta, the seasonal Pelo Camp is tented yet comfortable, with activities focusing on excursions by mokoro.

96% (10 reviews)
Xaranna Okavango Delta Lodge


Xaranna is a plush tented camp amongst the idyllic waterways and islands of the Delta. Each air-conditioned tent has a plunge pool. Water activities and pampering are the focus here.

90% (8 reviews)
Jao Camp

Jao Camp

In a beautiful area with fantastic water activities, Jao combines an idyllic location with high levels of luxury and service, and a top-end spa.

87% (6 reviews)
Seba Camp

Seba Camp

Seba Camp is a luxury camp in a lovely location that offers the full range of water and land safari activities, depending on the time of year. This camp is particularly suitable for families.

90% (6 reviews)
4 Rivers

4 Rivers

4 Rivers is a new camp in a previously in accessible area of the excellent Kwara concession.

100% (3 reviews)
Rra Dinare

Rra Dinare

Located in a private concession in the southern reaches of the Okavango Delta, overlooking the Gomoti River, Rra Dinare is a traditional-style, well-priced camp.

93% (3 reviews)
Setari Camp

Setari Camp

Setari Camp stands on an island dotted with palm trees, close to the base of the Okavango’s ‘Panhandle"

100% (2 reviews)
Abu Camp

Abu Camp

Abu Camp is an exclusive safari camp on the western side of the Botswana's Okavango Delta - offering superb elephant-back safaris and opportunities to walk with them too.

70% (2 reviews)
Kiri Camp

Kiri Camp

Kiri Camp is the latest Okavango offering from the excellent team behind Machaba. In an exciting new location in the heart of the Delta we cannot wait to visit this new camp.

100% (1 review)
Duke’s Camp

Duke’s Camp

On a remote island within a vast private concession, the eclectic Duke’s Camp is nestled among mature trees overlooking wildlife-rich plains of the Okavango.

100% (1 review)
Okavango Delta Walking Safari

Okavango Walking Safari

The Okavango Delta Walking Safari camps in a secluded Okavango Delta Reserve where there are few roads; the ideal location for a walking trail led by an expert guide.

100% (1 review)
Sitatunga Private Island Camp

Sitatunga Island Camp

Tucked away in a pristine corner of the Okavango Delta, the exclusive Sitatunga Private Island is a water-based camp offering boating, mokoro trips and fishing.

100% (1 review)


New for 2024, Karangoma is a classic, tented camp offering walking, canoeing and game drives, in partnership with the local Bukakwe San clan.

No reviews yet
Atzaro Okavango

Atzaro Okavango

With a high level of tasteful luxury promised at Atzaro, we think it will be best suited to travellers seeking a touch of pampering alongside their safari.

No reviews yet


Deep in the heart of the Okavango, Mokolwane promises adventure in a largely untouched area.

No reviews yet
Eagle Island Lodge

Eagle Island Lodge

Eagle Island Lodge is a luxurious camp with international-style facilities including air conditioning and intercom in each room; offering water based activities in the Okavango Delta.

No reviews yet
North Island Okavango

North Island

Deep in quintessentially 'Okavango' territory, between deep-water and dry-land habitats, promises to be a great combination from a team who know all about the best in the Okavango.

No reviews yet
Qorokwe Camp

Qorokwe Camp

Luxurious and contemporary, the relatively new Qorokwe Camp is a gem in the Okavango Delta, offering land- and occasionally water-based activities in a prime wildlife area.

No reviews yet

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