Reviews of Mwamba Bushcamp
Wildlife sightings and reviews
161 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Mwamba Bushcamp and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa

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"Lovely remote camp."
We started to find the game drives a bit too long but we learned to speak up and request an earlier return to camp and also more time along the river.
A nice touch was hot water bottles on the early morning game drive. (Thank you Charlie)" See all these reviews: 12n in Zambia
"This really is life in the bush !- in comfort"
"Best Guide in Africa"
This was our first Safari in Africa and we could not have asked for more. The South Luangwa National Park is extremely beautiful and the wildlife plentiful - made all the more enjoyable by our guide, Patrick, who lived up to the reputation that Zambia's guides are world-class. Patrick was very knowledgeable and patient and we enjoyed his terrific sense of humour. We particularly enjoyed our walks and night drives with Patrick.
A highlight was the waterhole hide and hippo hide: Absolutely teaming with life and drama.
While it was very hot; we did not find it unduly uncomfortable. And we were not bothered by insects.
Our hut was immaculately maintained by housekeeping; our laundry done daily. Food was delicious and the service extremely professional.
We would quite happily return to Mwamba Bushcamp." See all these reviews: 7n in Zambia; 7n in Mozambique
"Mwamba's Last Waterhole Hide was Fantastic"
Maybe it was the heat, and it was HOT, or maybe the nightly elephant raids on the kitchen robbed the staff of sleep, but the staff seemed tired. Only Zimba, an older gentleman who served our meals and helped out around camp, always greeted us with a welcoming smile. The camp manager was continuously warning us of the dangers lurking, not allowing a moment's relaxation or pleasant 'goodnight' in our doorway at night before closing the door, daring us not open it until after the morning drum-roll. We were made to feel almost like prisoners . . .
We felt the guides here were overly interested in cat sightings, often passing other wildlife we'd have been delighted to watch. One afternoon/evening we spent hours bouncing and jarring cross-country. If we'd known they were anticipating lions going after buffalo, we'd have shared in the excitement of such a possibility. As it was, I just hurt. Upon arriving back at camp, I asked that we might go for a walk in the morning--nope, too little staff. I suggested maybe I remain in camp enjoying the hide, again, nope, gotta go out on a drive. Luckily the other couple in camp opted for a shorter drive, and allowed me the front seat where the ride would be smoother. Unfortunately, I misinterpreted bushcamp to mean there would be an emphasis on walking, not so.
We also found on the afternoon/evening drives, the guides and scouts would converse extensively between themselves, not hearing questions or requests to stop. But, the scouts were worth their weight in gold once the sun went down, finding any number of interesting subjects to look at.
The food was generally excellent, though I did get a really slimy salad one-day for lunch. There was a two-day period where we were served eggs breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and although the eggs are of very high quality--unlike American supermarket eggs--and prepared in a different manner for each meal, it did become rather boring. If it was because of the heat or elephant raids spoiling intended meals, fine, otherwise I would suggest alternating with the heavier meals.
We had a great game drive transfer back to Kaingo with guide Mayem. Whether it was because we were his only guests, or he was headed towards a few days off, his attitude was much better than on the couple of previous drives he'd taken us on. He was more talkative, sharing his wealth of knowledge, working hard to position the vehicle so we had the best light and angle on different animals. All-in-all we felt Mayem was an excellent guide, supposing his initial lethargy might only have reflected his being overly tired, as indicated by the camp manager. The guides do work long hours, with minimal time off, during the relatively short safari season in this area.
I hope our experience with Mwamba's manager was unusual. This should be an awesome little camp, but unfortunately during our stay there was a tense undercurrent which prevented our entire enjoyment and relaxation." See all these reviews: 16n in Zambia
"Nichols at Mwamba"
The guided walks were the highlight. You get closer to the animals when you're in a car but walking through the bush is a completely different experience. We were there in mid-October and it has to be said that with the temperature at around 38 degrees, some might find it excessively hot. By the time we got back from a walk at 10.00 a.m. we were all ready for a cold shower.
It did mean, however, that the animals congregated around the available water and were much easier to spot.
The hide, overlooking a waterhole, attracted much wildlife, with elephants approaching very close to the hide.
The drives were also very productive, with us encountering a leopard within 30 minutes of setting out on our first drive.
Considering the limited cooking facilities, the food was very impressive." See all these reviews: 11n in Zambia
"Pretty bush-camp"
The staff were very helpful and even did laundry for us on our last day (when we were leaving just after lunch). We would have liked to have walked on our last morning, but there was no guide available for that (the game-drive took priority). Again, no walking available in the afternoons." See all these reviews: 10n in Zambia
"Mwamba revisited"
Animal encounters were more than just those viewed from a vehicle or hide. One night we were kept awake by the deep breathing of the elephant, which chose to doze right outside our chalet. In fact we didn't get our usual bucket of hot water for the shower that morning, as the elephant was still in the way! And we will never forget the bushbuck that almost joined us for lunch on our veranda one day.
The guides and scouts/spotters at Mwamba deserve special mention. Meyam and Vickson are just so knowledgeable, and impart that expertise with such good humour, always making it seem fresh to them every time even though they must have seen many of the sights and activities day after day." See all these reviews: 11n in Zambia
"Animals and birds loved the Mwamba Hide"
The location of the tents were great and we loved the en suite facilities. the rooms were good but ours got hot in the middle of the day. We loved a shared lunch watching the animals especially the elephant visitors to camp.
The food like Kaingo was great and just came coming. Its a good job we were doing a daily working safari. Dinners around the the table at night were always enjoyable The camp was very friendly and well run." See all these reviews: 16n in Zambia
"If possible better than Kaingo"
I really appreciated the hide built above the water hole. I saw plenty of wildlife from the hide as well as birds including the very beautiful Lillian's lovebirds. I also have to say it was a great pleasure to visit the Carmine Bee eater's hide,
The manager Marlene is a wonderful person who couldn't be kinder or more helpful. Furthermore she loves the bush and is well liked and respected by all of her staff.
I loved walking at Mwamba. We usually walked for three and a half hours each morning which includes my initial walk from Kaingo to Mwamba. I discovered that sometimes you see more wildlife walking than from the vehicle. My guides Andy and Patrick are without a doubt some of the best and most experienced in South Luangwa National Park or anywhere in Africa for that matter.
It is also true of my guide Meyam at Kaingo Camp. I have to say that Patrick is one of the funniest people that I've ever met; I was constantly cracking up.
The night drives were also superb. I finally saw a serval which has long been on my list of dream animals. I also saw two honey badgers, more leopards and a pride of lions tearing apart a zebra. I will definitely return to South Luangwa National Park." See all these reviews: 10n in Zimbabwe; 6n in Botswana; 6n in Zambia; 2n in South Africa
"Bushcamp luxury at Mwamba"
As at Kaingo, excellent game viewing and guiding." See all these reviews: 12n in Zambia
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