Reviews of Onguma Tented Camp
Wildlife sightings and reviews
107 independent comments and wildlife information from our travellers who have visited Onguma Tented Camp and kindly agreed to share their thoughts. They do not necessarily represent the views of Expert Africa

62% success

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"Onguma Tented Camp review"
Food was good to very good. Some of the staff had poor English, so it was not always possible to make yourself understood, but there was no shortage of effort, and everyone worked to help us have a good time. Drinks around the campfire was a lovely moment. Dining was separate, although we combined tables with another couple we had met over drinks.
The afternoon game drive we took netted three lions just by the camp, as well as a marvellous pair of bat-eared foxes, jackals and a brooding group of white-backed vultures quite low down in the palm trees. But game was by no means plentiful." See all these reviews: 14n in Namibia
"Onguma Tented Camp - the high point of trip"
The rooms were spotlessly clean and had Wi-Fi access, a safe and tea-making facilities. The staff were professional and friendly but not overbearing. The guide was knowledgeable and pleasant to talk to. The food was delicious.
We highly recommend this camp. Staying at Onguma was the high point of our holiday." See all these reviews: 14n in Namibia
"So disappointing."
This camp was stuffy and formal, with absolutely no atmosphere, and a poor recommendation for a large family group. The staff were very polite but very quiet and reserved. I wouldn't have liked this camp even if I'd been in a couple. It was just too quiet and restrained - trying to be something that it wasn't.
The rooms are huge , so they were being pretty inflexible insisting that we had to have 4 rooms, rather than allowing the 3 kids to share and having 3 rooms between us - as we did at all other lodges. I wasn't that keen on sharing my room with a very active rodent, which was very happy coming and going through a gap in the canvas - but more concerned that if a large mouse could get in, then so could a snake...
It turned out that the 4 gunshots we heard before dinner marked the demise of a spitting cobra which was trying to attack the chef - apparently it would have been looking for mice - presumably like the one I was sharing my room with. The food was nice, but spoilt by the lack of atmosphere - so all the couples ate in silence and then went. Not comfortable or relaxed.
A real shame, as we were anticipating that this camp would be a real highlight. I imagine it was the most expensive place we stayed, but the least enjoyable. Not a good recommendation. Not sure why they insisted that we had to be accompanied by a guard when going to and from our rooms - yes, of course there are animals out there, but non of the other camps insisted on this. He clearly wasn't armed anyway - and it just contributed to the formality." See all these reviews: 11n in Namibia
"Onguma Tented Camp is splendid"
Great staff, particularly Cacious (sorry if misspelt) who had to deal with a rather unpleasant American and handled it with great dignity." See all these reviews: 18n in Namibia
"Luxury at Onguma Tented Camp"
We drove through the park from Ongava Lodge, spending the day in Etosha, before arriving at Onguma. The evening meal and service was excellent." See all these reviews: 11n in Namibia
"Leopard, Lion and Cheetahs"
As we'd already had quite a lot of luck in driving ourselves around Etosha, including a leopard sighting, we only chose to do activities with the camp where they were on their reserve - which is afternoon and evening drives.
When you arrive at Onguma they make a big thing about not having as much game as Etosha, which is clearly true, however it didn't stop us seeing both Leopard and Rhino on the Rhino drive, cheetahs on the Night Drive and a male lion on the Sundowner drive. The lion also paid us a visit at the camp waterhole during dinner on our first night, announcing his arrival with the hugest roar that seemed to shake the whole camp. The bird life on the camp rarely gets a mention but that was terrific too. Thoroughly recommended." See all these reviews: 14n in Namibia
"Onguma Tented Camp review"
We went on a guided drive from Onguma into the eastern side of Etosha. A highlight was watching lions eating a giraffe carcass just a few metres from our open vehicle." See all these reviews: 15n in Namibia; 6n in Botswana; 1n in South Africa
"Onguma Tented Camp- Great Animal Sightings"
Our accommodations at Ongoma Tented Camp were very good. It was a memorable stay.." See all these reviews: 7n in Namibia; 6n in Botswana; 3n in South Africa; 2n in Zimbabwe
"Lion encounter at Tented camp"
Perhaps one of the nicest lodges we stayed at although it might be a bit overpriced." See all these reviews: 7n in Namibia
"Onguma Tented Camp review"
Enlivened by a lioness and her cubs right outside our tent.
A very good trip into Etosha with Eric the guide, who really knew his stuff. Outstanding. Found us a cheetah and her cub hunting, to order!" See all these reviews: 17n in Namibia
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